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Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
Editorial Office
c/o Graduate School of
   Science, Tohoku
   University, Sendai
   980-8578, Japan

Japan Association of  Mineralogical Sciences

 Updated April 25, 2023


Please check Format checklist (pdf)  (Revised Feb. 24, 2023)
(Please also consult 'Format checklist' for further details


Feb. 24, 2023

 GENERAL (Revised Feb. 24, 2023)
June 06, 2022)
Revised Feb. 24, 2023)
 FIGURES (Revised
Feb. 24, 2023)
 REFERENCES (Revised November 20, 2019)
October 14, 2021)


    Manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences should be original, high-quality scientific manuscripts concerned with mineralogical and petrological sciences and related fields.
    Submitted papers must not have been published previously in any language, and author(s) must agree not to submit papers under review in the Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences to other journals.
    The editorial board reserves the right to reject any manuscript that is not of high quality and that does not comply with the journal format outlined below.
    The editorial board is keen to encourage the submission of articles from a wide range of researchers. Information on submitting manuscripts is also available from the journal web site(

GENERAL  (Revised Feb. 24, 2023)

   The journal will consider both original articles and reviews written in English, as well as letters that contain important original content. The manuscript should be submitted via our web-based system below: ONLINE SUBMISSION   Submission of the manuscript by e-mail is not accepted.
    Original articles should be informative and concise, with no more than the minimum necessary number of illustrations and tables. The following length restriction apply to manuscript:
original articles should be less than 15 printed pages, Letters  should be less than 4 printed pages. However, letter
submission for JAMS/JpGU Letter should be less than 6 printed pages., and reviews less than 15 pages
   Manuscripts should be organized as follows.

a.   Title 

b.   Name (s), address (es), and e-mail address (es) of  only
      corresponding  author (s)
c.   Abstract (less than 400 words) with several keywords
d.   Introduction
e.   Descriptions of materials, areas, and methods of study
f.    Results and data
g.   Interpretation and discussion
h.   Concluding remarks
i.    Acknowledgments
j.   Supplementary/Depository materials
k.  References

l.   Table numbers, titles, and footnotes
m.  Figure numbers and captions
n.  Tables with
numbers, titles, and footnotes
o.  Figures
with numbers and captions
Supplementary/Depository materials with numbers and captions/titles.

    Authors may omit some of the sections listed above if appropriate.
The format requirements for review articles are flexible; potential contributors can obtain further details from the editorial office.
    Meteorite names in the manuscript should follow the nomenclature approved by the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society. The names can be checked at the following website:

MANUSCRIPT FORMAT  (Revised November 20, 2019) 

1.   Use American (not British) spelling. The font is Times or Times New Roman font (12 point).

2.   Mathematical variables should be typed in italics, and vectors are bold in italics. Subscripts and superscripts should be formatted appropriately, not raised or lowered.

3.   The entire manuscript should be typewritten on A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper with 1.5 line spacing.

4.   Margins should be 2.5 cm on each side and 3 cm at the top and bottom of the page.

5.   Any annotations on the manuscript must be made in the text, not in the margins.

6.   Each page of the manuscript should be numbered at the center of the bottom of the page, starting with the title page.

7.   Number all of the lines of your manuscript.
8.   The metric system and S.I. units must be used throughout.

9.   Authors should use three orders of headings:
first-order headings (centered, bold, all capital letters),
second-order headings (aligned left, bold), and
third-order headings (following a paragraph indentation, bold, followed by a period).

10. Accepted manuscript (text) must be provided Microsoft Word as doc(x).

TABLES  (Revised Feb. 24, 2023)     

1. All tables will be used for direct photo-offset reproduction. Authors should therefore prepare compact and clearly organized tables.

2. Accepted Tables must be provided Microsoft Word's Table (not inserted Excel images) or Excel, not pdf and other files.

3.  Letters within tables should be in 9-point font. Do not use vertical lines in tables. The uppermost and lowermost horizontal lines in the table should be 1.5-point line weight, and intermediate lines should be 0.5 point.

4. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

5. Tables are not interspersed in the text of manuscript, but at end of manuscript.

6. Table titles should be brief.

7. Tables’ titles and foot notes are typewritten at the end of manuscript as a list.

8. Each table number and title should also appear above each table file, and footnotes and author names should appear below the table, too

9. Each table will be printed either one or two columns of text, or, if necessary, into a landscape (horizontal) format.

FIGURES   (Revised Feb. 24, 2023)     

1.  Sharply focused, glossy photographs are preferred.

2. Simple patterns or areas of grayscale and color are most effective. They should be 300–600 dpi resolution.

3. All figures should be submitted in PDF, GIF, JPG, TIF format. Figure details should be clearly readable and visible when the figures are reduced for printing.

4. Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

5. Figures are not interspersed in the text of manuscript, but at end of manuscript.

6. Figures captions are typewritten at the end of manuscript as a list.

7. Each figure number, caption, and author name should also be listed below each figure file.

8. All details on the figures should be carefully examined because any errors detected at the galley proof stage must be corrected by the author at the author's expense.

Being a full color online Journal, JMPS encourage authors to submit figures as color illustrations. Figures should be in PDF, GIF, TIF or JPG format and each file should not exceed 5 MB.

REFERENCESS (Revised March 13, 2023)  

1.   References should be cited in the text using the family name of the author(s) and the year of publication.


…...the mixing property (Guggenheim, 1952) is treated .....

…...according to Prigogine and Defay (1954), …...

……Margules et al. (1895) provided …...

2. If two or more authors are cited within single parentheses:

(1) They should be listed chronologically using semicolons and commas.

(2) If the publication year is the same, sort alphabetically by author name.


     (Abe, 1990; Ferraris et al., 1990; Wolery, 1993a, 1993b; Dollace, 1995; Aoki, 1998; Yamada, 2000, 2002; Sato et al., 2005).

3. References cited in the text should be listed in full and in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript.

(1) When referring to papers with single author, alphabetical order should take precedence over chronological order.

(2) When referring to multiauthored papers, chronological order takes precedence over alphabetical order.

 Examples order:
Yamamoto (1998).........
Yamamoto (2010)........
Yamamoto,Suzukiand Nagasaki (1995).......
Yamamoto and Fukui (2000).......
Yamamoto and Abe (2006).........

4. Journal names should be written in full.

5.   References should be formatted as illustrated in the following examples:

If the Reference is up to five authors:

Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D. and Author, E. (2016) Tittle of the paper, Journal name, Volume, Pages.

 →;Where there are six or more authors, the first four authors are listed followed by et al.

Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D., et al. (2019) Title of the paper, Journal name, Volume, Pages.



McIntire, W.L. (1963) Trace element partition Coefficients- a review of theory  and application to  geology. Geochimica   et Cosmochimica  Acta, 27, 1209-1264.

Dollase, W.A. (1969) Crystal structure and cation ordering  of piemontite. American Mineralogist, 54, 710-717.


Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A. and Zussman, J. (1978) Rock forming  minerals. 2A, Single chain silicates. pp.668, Longman, London.

Chapter in a book:

Whittaker, E.J.W. (1977) Determination of atomic   occupancies. In  Thermodynamics in geology (Fraser,D.G. Ed.). pp. 410, D.Reidel publishing Co. Dordrecht, 99-113.

Bonazzi, P and Menchetti, S. (2004) Manganese in monoclinic members of the epidote group: Piemonite and related minerals. In Epidotes (Liebscher, A. and Franz, G. Eds.). pp. 628, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry , 56, Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 495-552.

Authors should cite only the types of references listed above. If authors need to cite other types of references, follow the examples below:


    Folle, S. and Beutel, T. (2000) Overview of salt   occurrence in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea Region. Proceedings of the 8th World Salt Symposium  (Geertmann, R. Ed.), 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 119-124.


    Bekker, A., Eriksson, K.A., Kaufman, A.J., Karhu, J.A. and Beukes, N.J. (1999) Paleoproterozoic record of biogeochemical events and ice ages. Abstracts with Programs of Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 31, the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, A-487.


    Wolery, T.J. (1992) EQ3NR, a computer program for geochemical aqueous speciation-solubility calculations: Theoretical manual,user’s guide, and   related documentation (version 7.0), UCRL-MA-110662, pp.246, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.

   Tripathi, V.S. (1983) Uranium (VI) transport modelling: Geochemical data and submodels. pp.297, Ph.D.thesis, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

PUBLISHING POLICY (Revised October 14, 2021)

   The Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (JMPS) is an online-only full color free access Journal published through J-STAGE (
   The online page setting and publication expenses of the JMPS are largely covered by the revenue generated from page charges. For this reason, the Author who is responsible for the publication expenses is requested to pay
page charges of JPY8,000 per printed page. Members of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS) can avail a discounted page charge of JPY6,000 per printed page. If you are considering to become a member of JAMS, please visit the website (
   Authors who are bonafide students or senior members of JAMS and unable to afford page charges can send a request to the Chief Editor for page charge exemption, explaining the reason in detail. The Chief Editor takes a final decision on page charge exemption.
   Submitted manuscripts will be assigned to a handling Editor and subjected to peer-review by subject experts. If necessary, handling Editor may advise authors to seek assistance of language editing service.
   Galley proofs will be sent along with a page charge order form and billing instructions. This form should be completed and promptly returned along with the galley proof to the Editorial Office. Any changes to the figures or tables or major changes in the text, except for grammatical errors, made during the galley-proof stage have to be approved by the handling editor and any additional costs involved should be met by the authors.


     The copyright of papers accepted for publication in the Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences belongs to Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences.
   The copyright status form "Transfer of Copyright Agreement" must be signed and sent to the editorial office once the paper is accepted for publication.


   We accept depository and supplementary documents, tables and figures as supplementary material to be added to the journal web site.

   Depository and supplementary items should be submitted in PDF (preferable), Word, Excel, EPS, Gif or TXT format, and submitted along with the manuscript.

   Please submit each supplementary item in a separate file; a maximum of 5 files are allowed per manuscript. Please contact the editorial office for further information.