The 2011 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical    Sciences (JAMS)
HOME                                                                Japanese
1.Venue Schedule

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Updated July 2, 2011

1. Venue Schedule
 The 2010 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical
   Sciences (JAMS) will be held at Ibaraki University in Mito City.
       Venue: Ibaraki University HP in English
       Date: September 9(Fri)-11(Sun), 2011
Online Registration & Abstract Submission has now formally closed.
2. Events
September 9(Fri): Poster presentation for JAMS Poster Prize
                                    Awards  registrants

3. Registration Fee

Link to the fee site in Japanese

4. Session Outline

Link to the Sessions Outline pdf file
5. Online Submission
Online Registration & Abstract Submission
has now formally closed.

6. Notice for Presenters

Link to the Notice for Presentation pdf file


Program will be released at this site in  August, 2011.


Online Abstract Submission
* Upload your abstract file saved  in only MS-WORD (.doc)  format   according to Abstract Style Guide (PDF).
Online Registration & Abstract Submission
has now formally closed.
9.Poster Prize Awards
Link to the Poster Prize Award pdf file