The 2016 Annual Meeting of Japan Association Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)
HOME                                                                 Japanese

   Updated Aug . 18 2016

1. Venue Schedule

 The 2016 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical
   Sciences (JAMS) will be held at Kanazawa University.

       Venue: Kanazawa University  HP in English

       Date: September 23(Fri)----25(Sun), 2016

Program, Map (in Japanese)⇒

2. Events

 Student Presentation Award Registrants    More...>>

3. Registration Fee

Link to the fee site

4. Session Outline

Link to the Sessions Outline pdf file

5. Online Submission

Online Registration & Abstract Submission


6. Notice for Presenters

Link to the Notice for Presentation pdf file

7. Program

Program Map (in Japanese ) ⇒

8. Abstract

Online Abstract Submission:Closed
* Upload your abstract file saved  in only MS-WORD (.doc/.docx)  format   according to Abstract Style Guide (PDF).

9. Student Presentaton Award

Link to the Student Presentation Award pdf file